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  Pre-application preparation
    Sleeve must be rinsed and dried before grouting application. Remove the impurities and corrosion inhibitors within the sleeve. Unless prestrength steel strand (PC Strand) is coated with anti-corrosion, the grouting process should be completed within 28days of cementing around the sleeve, but not later than 10 days after adding the prestrength agent.


    For bulk material, mechanical shear mixing blade stirrer should be used.
Measure exact water needed (water-cement ratio of 0.4 to 0.45) and place the cement in the cement mixing equipment. Start the stirrer and gently add YL MV POWDER, and stir for three minutes until the material look smooth and uniform.


  Product Limitations
    When the temperature or surface temperature dropped to 5 ° C or below, use warm water (30 ~ 35 ° C) to accelerate the material strength of growth. When surrounding temperature is below 10 ° C, the template must be fixed for 48 hours before form removal. If surrounding temperatures exceed 35 ° C, cold water (15 ~ 20 ° C) should be used in the mixing.


    The material must be stored in a dry and cool storage away from direct sunlight. High-temperature, high-humidity environment will not be conducive for the material itself.
Gloves, goggles, dust masks should be worn at all times during mixing and application. In case of contact with skin, rinse with clean water. If splashed into the eyes, rinse with water, then seek medical attention.