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  Pre-application preparation
    Base surface must be clean, few hours before grouting, the base must be inundated with water, and clear holes with water as well as free water.


    Ensure the template is leak-proof to prevent grout leakage during grouting.


    YL181G should be mixed at the ready-mixed plant mixing machine for mixing, not stirred at the construction site.
In accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, the sand, aggregate, cement and water should be placed in the mixing equipment, then gently add YL181G, followed by stirring for about 90 seconds until the material looks smooth and uniform. (water-cement ratio at 0.32 to 0.38, depending on the design slump)¡C


    All bolt holes must be grouted before grouting the base paddle and the base. For large quantity grouting, one can make use of high pressure grouting.


    When grouting is completed, the exposed area must be conserved. At this point you can use YL CURING AGENT, or surface covered with water irrigation, or use a wet sack to cover it.


  Product limitation
    When the temperature or surface temperature dropped to 5 ° C or below, use warm water (30 ~ 35 ° C) to accelerate the material strength of growth. When surrounding temperature is below 10 ° C, the template must be fixed for 48 hours before form removal. If surrounding temperatures exceed 35 ° C, cold water (15 ~ 20 ° C) should be used in the mixing.


    The material must be stored in a dry and cool storage away from direct sunlight. High-temperature, high-humidity environment will not be conducive for the material itself.


    Gloves, goggles, dust masks should be worn at all times during mixing and application. In case of contact with skin, rinse with clean water. If splashed into the eyes, rinse with water, then seek medical attention.