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  Construction preparation
    The surface must be clean. Before filling, the base surface should be cleaned with water. Prior to grouting, any water collected must be removed.


    Design and installation of the formwork must be leak-proof to prevent leakage during grout placement.



For bulk material, mechanical mixer should be used for mixing.

Required to accurately measure water consumption (water to cement ratio in the 0.3~0.36, depending on the design of the flow value). Pour cement, water and sand into mixer and start it. While mixing, slowly add YL 600, and have the mixer mix the material evenly for 3 minutes or more.


    All bolt holes must be filled and placed between the base and base plate first.  For bulk placement, pump-line placing method is recommended.


    After the grout is placed, the exposed surface must engage in curing process.  You can apply YL CURING AGENT, maintain moisture on the surface, or cover the surface with a damp cloth.


  Product limitations
    When the general temperature or surface temperature falls below 5 ° c, mix with warm water (30~35 ° c) to accelerate reaction within the grout material. If the surrounding environment is lower than 10 ° c, the formwork is recommended to stay on for 48 hours before removing it. If the general temperature is over  35 ° c, then cold water is recommended to be added in the mix.


    The non-shrink grout must be stored in a dry place. High-temperature, high-humidity environment is detrimental to the material itself.


    Gloves, protective glasses, dust mask should worn during the construction and mixing. In case of contact with skin, rinse with water. If splashed into the eyes, rinse with plenty of water, and rushed to the hospital for medical treatment.